
Monday 25 August 2008

My weekend

asalam alaikum all

well on saturday i went to my neighbours family party and mashallah it was so nice, but i did get a shock when my neighbour introduced me as her bes best friend and such wonderful kind women, subhanallah i have not been called a best friend in over 20 years mashallah, i was really taken aback by this and i felt so proud to be her friend as she is so nice too mashallah.

i give thanks to allah(swt) for bringing us closer together, as although we have been good neighbours for 10 years mashallah, its only recently that we have began going out together and really helping each other islamically and mashallah its a beautiful thing mashallah.

well thats it from me for now just wanted to write about this wonderful feeling that i have now mashallah, and inshallah it will carry on being a strong one for many years to come inshallah.

wa salam


1 comment:

C said...

Asalaamu Alaikum

It is so important to find a good friend. May Allah strengthen your bond and keep you together for his sake. Amin.