well ramadan arrived and i have been ill since, i have been in bed since last thursday afternoon with severe migraine, finally got out today to go to portabello and get some chabbikkiya, msemen, bgriiaa and moroccan bread and then came back and crashed until 6pm when i had to get up and do some chicken.
hubby has now gone to the mosque and we will have the chicken done with some spices and yougurt sauce with some chips when he comes back from tarawiyah prayers.
as form me im still taking it easy and inshallah my head will begin to clear soon. i have not even been able to read as when look at the pages i begin to feel sick. same with the computer im here just to check emails, but thought id drop a quick note here.
was also happy as today i got an email saying that my new jilaba outfit (above) from egypt will be here soon as it has now been shipped.
well thats all for me as its time to set the dinner stuff and get things ready.
ooh, love the outfit masha'Allah
jazakallah sis alhumdulillah it turned up last week and looks beautiful and with the trousers that come as part of the outfit i can even wear them with out the jilaba with a long tunic top.
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