well he had so much food and sweets it was unreal lol, my neighbours husband cooked a wonderful curry dish and rice, and we had the cake above for dessert. i bought the cake and the sweets and we were left with so much that we had palm half over to the guests who were leaving lol. so they went home happy with more food and cake lol.
after the nikkah the boys and their friends went over to my house and they stayed there playing the wii and some dvds, we only live next door so its ok and there was two boys aged 14 and so they looked after the young ones, while us women had our chat in the kitchen and the men were in the front room.
it was a wonderful day, and my neighbour gave a wonderful welcome and a delight for all.
well gonna go and cook now lol, had my holiday yesterday i did not have to do anything and so im back to being the old mum today, washing, cleaning and cooking lol.
bye khadijah
masha'allah.. this is so intersting sis :D so u had the nikah.. how did it go? would love to read some details.. im still really nervous about mine :(
Mabruk: May Allah grant you two peace and happiness and provide all your needs, ameen.
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